Setting up your Payment Methods
The video above will show you how to setup your Payment Methods, but here's a quick summary of the options and important details.1. Offline Payment Methods:
These can be used to create a payment method that do not require a credit card for the order to complete (i.e. will complete the checkout process and send order confirmations to customer and you). For example, the offline method can be used to create Bill Me Later – Upon Approval; “Telephone Order" where they could arrange payment with you over the phone; or "COD."2. Paypal: (3 simple steps)
You DO NOT need to create buttons or integrate any code for Paypal. We've already done all the shopping cart integrations, you just have to follow 3 easy steps.1. Create Paypal account (don't have one, click HERE)
2. Add the email address you gave Paypal to your admin [Settings > Payment Settings > Paypal]
3. Update your Paypal IPN setting on Paypal (tutorial)
3. Propay Merchant Processing:
To add this service, complete the following 3 steps and email us your Propay account number so we can finish the integration with your store.1. Learn more about Propay and create account (click here)
2. Email your propay account number to
3. Purchase your SSL certificate (click here)
The SSL certificate is a security measure to encrypt and protect the web pages where your customers enter credit card information. This is a mandatory feature, so we cannot add Propay without it. You can order the SSL here