Managing Inventory

The inventory feature is easy to use and helps identify how much inventory you have in stock as well as when you need to order more.

You manage inventory on a "per product" level, and store-wide settings in Store Settings.

First, you can view inventory levels by going to the ‘Products’ drop down the main menu.

On the inventory section you can click the pencil to edit an item individually, or you can bulk edit

Each product has a section to manage stock level and low stock warning.

In Settings > Store Settings you control if customers see inventory, and if so, what they see.


Current stock level:
How much inventory you have of the specific product. (Ex. 6)

Low stock warning:
Allows customers to see the inventory levels once it reaches the low warning amount. This will appear as “only X amount left.”  In order for this feature to work you must have Show Customer Availability set to YES in Store Settings > Inventory Control.

Show Customers Availability:
Do you want customers to know if this product is in stock?

Display As: Do not include inventory quantities:
Only show "In Stock" or "Out of Stock"

Display As: Include inventory quantities: 
Customers will be able to see how many of an item is left in stock.