Creating a Website Icon - FaviCon

Updated March 18th - (new part goes down to red font)

Internet Explorer is having sporadic issues with the Icons appearing. They work with 100% of the time with Firefox, though they are working about 70% of the time on IE. This is due to IE's inability to recognize the new icon files inside a linked system where all websites share multiple database files. We will continue to work on this.

Also, we're now beta testing an application that allows you to upload your own Icon file - so you'll have easy ability to change yourself! You have this feature now in your site,

To upload:

Create the file at the link below then save to your desktop. It's likely an ".ico" file so you must change it to a GIF or Jpeg. The easiest way it to open the file in PAINT and then select "save as" (Jpeg).

Then upload the new file into your "images" section in your admin center. Once uploaded, copy the file name (starts with "/img..") and then open Admin Settings (inside "Other Edits") and paste file name in the new "Site Icon" field. (it's 3rd down from top.

After saving, hit F5 to refresh browser. If you do not see the icon, please try on Firefox browser. If not on Firefox either, please email us so we can study the issue.

Update . now allows the ability to create website icons.

To create a website icon, go to this website: CLICK HERE